Sample Sidebar Module

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Featured activities

One of the biggest challenges this project will face will be convincing the typical tourist to extend their time in Yangon – most are likely to spend 2 nights max (3 if you include a night on the way back at the end). We also need to think about how we will tear them away from a comfortable hotel room, which is not a problem remote area such as Chin State and Kachin State face. With this in mind, it is crucial that we develop a variety of unique, diverse and culturally rich community-based experiences that will benefit both the hosts and tourist. Although the project will not be limited to the following activities, here is a list of excursions we think would work particularly well at Kyaikthale village.


All guests would receive a warm welcome to the community. This would involve a personal greeting and introduction to the village and committee members, whilst providing the perfect forum in which the guest can ask any community specific questions.
(Benefits of this activity to the villagers: conversational English practice, opportunity to interact with tourists in a natural and unforced manner, helps to instill a sense of community pride, creates a job with structure and a respected position that the community member will take pride in).

We would invite guests to the village to work shoulder to shoulder with the Mingalar Bio Garden’s existing workers. By doing so they can help to plant vegetables for the use of the monastic school, whilst learning about one of Myanmar’s most important industries at the same time.
(Benefits of this activity to the villagers: Due to it being a labor intensive job, this would help to relieve the villager’s workload, provide an opportunity for them to share skills/knowledge, encourage interaction regardless of language proficiency and most importantly, it will create an unrivalled sense of job satisfaction/renewed self-appreciation of the important work these workers do).

•    Opportunity to visit a member of the community’s home to learn about their typical day to day living, home industry, farmingand agriculture.
(Benefits of this activity to the villagers: conversational English practice, opportunity to interact with tourists in a natural and unforced manner, helps to instill a sense of community pride, encourages information sharing, providesthe host with an “at home” retail space to sell their goods the creates a job with structure and a respected position that the community member will take pride in).

Photo- bamboo Basket picture

Myanmar cooking lesson using freshly picked vegetables from the Mingalar Bio Garden. Seeing as quality, non-contrived cooking experiences are hard to come by in Myanmar’s commercial capital, we think this has the potential to become a massive success (similar to the cooking lesson provided at Inle Heritage).  
(Benefits of this activity to the villagers: conversational English practice, opportunity to interact with tourists in a natural and unforced manner, helps to instill a sense of community pride, helps to spread awareness of hygienic practice/basic principles, creates a job with structure and a respected position that the community member will take pride in). 

Visit to Twante Township’s glazed pottery site and monastery, the proud home of an antique pottery collection.
(Benefits of this activity to the villagers: brings in additional business that they would not otherwise receive due to the township’s remote location, encourages community to continue with traditional practices, whilst at the same time honing their skills and creating a sense of pride in their profession).

Twante Township and the surrounding countrysidehave the potential to make for great hiking and cycling experiences. This offering would perfectly suit more adventurous travellers, anyone looking to fully immersethemselves in a truly local surrounding and active families.
(Benefits of this activity to the villagers: brings in additional business that they would not otherwise receive due to the township’s remote location, creation of new adventure focused roles, opportunity to learn about health and safety, encourages an active lifestyle and provides conversational English opportunities).

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community lodge 01

Twante is also home to some fascinating religious history, including the 1000-year old Shwesandaw Pagoda that was constructed by a powerful Mon King. Although the pagoda has been rebuilt a number of times no thanks to natural disasters, the present design is based on the model of Shwedagon Pagoda and was introduced by King Hsinbyushin of the Konbaung Period. Best of all, the pagoda receives very few international visitors, which would ensure an experience that feels more authentic and ‘off the beaten track’ in nature.

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A visit to Twante would not be complete without a visit to the local market – the majority of the township’s population gathers here every morning to pick up staple cooking produce and catch up with the latest gossip. This is truly local and the presence of anyone that’s come from “out of town” will be sure to turn a few heads, thus leading to plenty of natural/unforced opportunities in which to interact.

For those looking to stay in Kyaikthale overnight, the main highlight will surely be the cultural performance on the main stage in the lodge’s communal dining area. Although it would be necessary to outsource at first, in time, we could potentially look at training willing villagers to showcase their skills e.g. traditional dance, chinlon, the presentation of traditional arts and crafts. It has the potential to become a great communication outlet that would benefit both the villager and the tourist. One thing we need to be mindful of however is that there is already an abundance of culture shows, especially in Bagan, Mandalay and onboard cruiseships. Therefore we should seek to diversify and proactively offer something that’s different.


Contact Us

  •  Kyaikthala Village
  •  0945672234, 09762179118

    CBT Sales Office
    Yangon, Myanmar
  •  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ph (Direct): 09422126180
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ph (Direct): 09762088726
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ph (Direct): 09454730595

How To Get To CBT Village

Terms and conditions

From the arrival of Kyaikthalae village, the CBT management will be responsible for providing accommodation (not for day return) and meals during the stay of the guests ...
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Featured Activities

One of the biggest challenges this project will face will be convincing the typical tourist to extend their time in Yangon – most are likely to spend 2 nights max (3 if you include a night on the way .. read more